Launch of the NI Open Galgorm Castle Golf Club
Had a great evening/late night at the “opening” of the NI Open at Galgorm Great hall.
May McFetridge & the legend that is Jackie Fullerton done a cracking job, they even threw in some jokes!!
David Healy (media presenter) & Steven Bell (football legend) Keith Gillespie (media presenter) & Steven Bell (football legend)
back row – Jimmy Fullerton, Rodney Kernohan (Ballymena Chamber of Commerce)
front row – Steven Bell (Slemish Design Studio) Pat Jennings, Jackie Fullerton
Rodney Kernohan (Ballymena Chamber of Commerce), Kirsty Worthington (Galgorm Castle GC) Steven Bell (slemish design studio)
NI Open Galgorm 2014